This stage includes the new drive serving Areas B1 and B2 and the Village Center Marketplace. Total development area provided in this phase is approximately 27 acres.

It should be noted that the "new drive" is a completely new road. It will branch off the existing access road which leads to the "phantom parking lots" at the top of the hill. At present there are only a few primitive trails leading through portions of this heavily forested area. Areas B1 and B2 are located in close proximity to the watershed boundary of the Atlantic white cedar-Giant Rhododendron (AWC-GR) swamp, i.e., at the approximate boundary of the TNC Preserve.

Area B1 consists of an approximately 7.5 acre parcel. Since it is surrounded by portions of the Preserve it is located in a fine natural setting. Although the property is bisected by a PSNH right of way, it could be a prime site for a building of up to 50,000 SF.

As shown on the map, the "fine natural setting" is, in part, the AWC-GR swamp which is unlikely to remain "fine" after developmental impacts have taken their toll. The portion of Area B1 where the actual building would be sited is in a heavily forested area. *

Development Area B2 is located on the slope between one of the major Atlantic White Cedar swamps of the Preserve and the Millstone Brook drainage. The site is approximately 10.5 acres in size and would provide a site for up to 100,000 S.F. overlooking the forested Preserve.

Area B2 is a large land parcel which includes a well forested slope. This area presently contains a primitive hiking trail which leads from Millstone Brook to the AWC-GR swamp and has been used by the Audubon Society, Sierra Club and others for educational purposes. The opportunity for this experience will be completely destroyed by the planned development.

Area B1 and part of Area B2 were identified as Areas D7 and D6 on the "Preserve-Development map" which accompanied the EPA Compliance Agreement. The Master Plan fails to report that these areas were considered to be "special development areas" i.e., particularly sensitive to environmental changes due to development.

The Village Center Marketplace is located on a prominent site overlooking the existing access road and will become a focal point for the development. It will comprise ~ 6.0 acres of commercial development such as restaurants and business support services in a high quality building. In addition to the proposed commercial use, a 2.4 acre site for a permanent fire station is located along the existing access drive.

The location of the commercial development (near the AWC-GR swamp and the Preserve boundary) is an outrage. Constructing a "Marketplace", which will house a dry cleaners, hair salon, restaurants etc. at this point is akin to putting a Coca-Cola ad on the Mona Lisa. Clearly a desire for financial gain has replaced any understanding or appreciation of the natural beauty of this area. Moreover the development areas proposed above constitute a "peninsula" of development which protrudes into the TNC Preserve.

* Area B1 was later removed from the Development Plan when a large vernal pool was discovered in this area by The Nature Conservancy.