The overall scheme for Waterford's residential development project is shown in the above map.

The already-existing properties shown on the map are Hillcrest Terrace, a large retirement complex, and Countryside Village, an apartment complex which contains 448 apartments.

Phase I of Waterford's project - land clearing and construction of 8 3-story apartment buildings, together with a club house and garages - began in June, 2002.

Phase II of the project was approved by the Manchester Planning Board on October 24, 2002. It consists of three "communities" of single family homes. The location of these "communities" is related to the various subdivisions of land established after a dissolution of "Optima Health" - a coalition of Manchester's two hospitals - the Elliot Hospital and Catholic Medical Center.

Waterford plans to locate one community north of Countryside Village, and another community north of Countryside Boulevard, near Hillcrest Terrace. These buildings, together with the apartment complex, are slated to lie on the subdivision identified as "Lot 8."

The developer plans to located the third community on "Lot 17", a subdivision which lies south of Countryside Boulevard. This lot is within the watersheds of specialized swamps which are located on: 1. the ecological preserve owned by The Nature Conservancy (part of the "Hackett Hill Property" which was purchased by the City of Manchester from UNH in 1999) and 2. "Lot 15", another 142 acre subdivision which was approved for purchase by the City in July, 2002, and will become an extension of the TNC property.