The Board of Mayor and Aldermen Approves All Developer-Proposed Zoning Changes


The Bills on Second Reading Committee Meets Twice and the Board of Mayor and Aldermen Approves the Committee's Recommendations

The Bills on Second Readings Committee met on June 22. Alderman DeVries is Chair of the Committee and the other members are Aldermen Lopez, Corriveau, Arnold and Shaw. The Committee considered the rezoning ordinances briefly. However the matter was tabled and another meeting was set for July 6 (just prior to the evening BMA meeting on the same day), so that the lawyers for Jeff Sercel and Richard Danais could attend.

At the July 6 meeting, the zoning ordinances were removed from the table and discussed. Daniel Callahan, lawyer for Jeff Sercel, requested that a 60 day extension be granted to take up concerns related to the conversion of the Research Part Zone to a Business Park Zone.

The lawyer for Richard Danais then spoke in opposition to the extension. It was not granted and after a vote in favor of the proposed changes, the changes were sent to the BMA meeting that was held in the evening. At the BMA meeting, both lawyers spoke again, and there was a discussion of the recommendation received from the Bills on Second Reading Committee. The aldermen then voted to accept the changes, with only Aldermen Osborne and Corriveau dissenting.

Hooksett Votes Against a Fire Station Collaboration

In early August of 2010, both the Manchester Union Leader and Hooksett Banner reported that the Hooksett Town Council had voted not to share a Hackett Hill-located fire station with Manchester. Hooksett currently has two fire stations and cannot afford to lease a portion of a Manchester station and to hire five new firefighters.

Mayor Gatsas responded to the decision by saying that he would give Hooksett time to reconsider its vote, but Gatsas also noted that the building of a Hackett Hill fire station would proceed regardless of the Hooksett decision. He also suggested that space could be left at the site of Manchester's new fire station for a Hooksett bay, should the town change its mind in the next few years.