This letter was written by Charles R. Denton, Manchester, NH.


To the editor;

Regarding the future of Hackett Hill ("Green vs Green," March 11-17), I am with those who favor saving this rare and special ecosystem for future generations. Once "developed," it can not be restored.

Our descendents will need and treasure Hackett Hill, perhaps with the Shaker song, "Verdant Groves";

"Here we walk in the verdant grove/Where lilies far are growing./Here in love and sweet repose,/ and gentle rivers flowing."


Another letter was written by Laura Magzis, Penacook, NH.


To the editor;

I am writing to thank you for John Zorabian's piece on the possibility that the Hackett Hill property will be developed further. Though I do not live in Manchester, I am near enough to enjoy its open spaces and waterways. These are a precious heritage, one that New Hampshire communities risk squandering. Development in southern and central NH has been rapid in recent years; it is likely to become much more rapid with the widening of I-93. I fear that we will begin to resemble parts of New Jersey and Connecticut. In other words, we will no longer have easy access to forests, wetlands, and meadows. We will exchange these for big box stores, thus losing much of our uniqueness. Many towns and cities in the region are scrambling to preserve open space. I am therefore surprised that the mayor and aldermen are considering this move. I do hope they will think long and hard before proceeding further to develop Hackett Hill.