Manchester Conservation Commission

One City Hall Plaza, Manchester, NH 03101

February 15, 2006


Planning Board, City of Manchester

One City Hall Plaza Manchester, NH 03101


Dear Planning Board Members:

This letter concerns the proposed development and subdivision plans for the "Neighborhoods at Woodland Pond" on the 110 acre tract of land near Hillcrest Terrace, formerly known as the "Alliance" property. The commissioners of the Manchester Conservation Commission feel it is our responsibility to provide comments regarding our concerns about this development. As you are aware, the Hackett Hill area contains significant and globally rare wetland systems, which include rare species such as Atlantic White Cedar, Black Gum trees and Giant Rhododendrons.This area also provides substantial wildlife habitat and supports a diverse number of wildlife species, including deer, moose, beaver, otter, fox, fisher, snowshoe hare, heron, turkey, and a wide variety of songbirds, amphibians and reptiles. The Commission appreciates the developer's efforts to present us with plans and offer us the opportunity to comment on said plans at our regular meetings. We also appreciate the developer's efforts to minimize wetland impacts, improve stormwater treatment, avoid planting invasive species, and work with the Nature Conservancy.

However, the Commission still has concerns regarding the "Neighborhoods at Woodland Pond "project. Prior to the developer's purchase of the land, Robert Varney, the Regional Director of the EPA, suggested that a 100 acre parcel of land in this area be considered as secondary mitigation for the I-93 widening project due to its ecological importance and proximity to the Cedar Swamp. The commission agrees with this sentiment and would prefer that the parcel of land on which this development is proposed be kept as open space. This land remaining undeveloped is important to the long-term health and ecological integrity of The Manchester Cedar Swamp Preserve that many organizations worked hard to protect. The proposed subdivision will result in: degradation of the adjacent wetlands in the protected cedar swamp over time, destruction and fragmentation of substantial wildlife habitat, and displacement of a number of species that utilize the land either as their home range or as a wildlife corridor between Goffstown/Hooksett and the preserve. Of particular concern are the potential losses of rare and threatened plant species and of wood turtle habitat that currently exist in this area, as stated in the NH Heritage Commission paperwork. The Manchester Conservation Commission has many of the same concerns that The Nature Conservancy expressed in their letter dated December 15, 2005. These concerns and suggestions should be considered and reflected in the development plans. They include:







Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed "Neighborhoods at Woodland Pond" development. We hope our suggestions will be taken into consideration.


Manchester Conservation Commission members